
From Love and Deepspace Wiki

Cargo is a MediaWiki extension that acts as a middleman to allow storing and querying of data into MediaWiki's SQL database. This is incredibly helpful in keeping consistency by allowing us to automate several of the Wiki like tables, lists, even calendars of events, as long as we have the data stored. For example, if we create a new Memory page, List of Memories will automatically update without us needing to edit the page.

Having knowledge of source code editing and templates is essential for many of the Cargo templates the Wiki has. Visual Editor will not be able to do things like editing or querying Cargo functions.

Having a familiarity of the following is useful as well but not necessary:

  • Field typing - When to use String, Integer, Date, DateTime, etc. and what values can be stored in them
  • SQL querying - Parts of Cargo querying do use SQL syntax, but simple queries usually won't need too much in-depth knowledge.

For more detailed documentation, refer to the Cargo documentation pages

This is one of several Wiki editing guides, and it is highly recommended to review the ones related to your editing interests.

Process overview[edit source]

The process of using Cargo breaks down to the following:

  • Creating a template that has a #cargo_declare
  • This will require you to come up with a data schema, or in less technical terms, a list of things you would like stored.
  • Using #cargo_store to store data (On this Wiki, this is usually done in the same template as Step 1)
  • If using #cargo_store in a a template, using that template on pages
  • Querying and making use of the data

To go through each of these aspects, we will be using Template:Call as our tutorial example.

Tutorial example[edit source]

For this tutorial, we will be using Template:Wanderer, a straightforward Cargo table that stores information on Wanderer enemies. Here are a list of helpful pages for this tutorial:

Creating a Cargo table[edit source]

See also: mw:Extension:Cargo/Storing data

To store data, we need to create a template that has a #cargo_declare parser function in it to create the Cargo table. For this example, the template we'll be using is Template:Wanderer. Edit the source and find the #cargo_declare parser function.

  • Make sure your #cargo_declare is inside the <noinclude></noinclude> tags!
  • The parser function starts with {{#cargo_declare:
  • We then specify the table name we want to create. _table=Wanderer
  • Keep table names simple! Ideally they should just be 1-2 words, with each word capitalized with no spaces (e.g. Wanderer, OutfitSet)
  • Table names should not be plural unless the item specifically is plural. (e.g. Wanderer, not Wanderers)
  • From here, we specify all the fields we want to store. For this template, you can see we're specifying:
  • name
  • imageName
  • description
  • battleGuide
  • wandererFeature1-5
  • We also want to specify what type we want these fields to be. You can find a full list on this Cargo page here, but generally the following are the most common we use on the Wiki:
  • String - Useful for just storing text. Things like names, category names, etc.
  • Wikitext - Useful for storing text that you want to keep formatted, like if your description contains links. It's not perfect though, so make sure what you're storing is basic templates.
  • Integer - For number fields that don't need decimals
  • Float - For number fields that need decimals
  • Date/Datetime - Stores a date or date time. The Wiki standard is - in numerical form - <Year>-<Month>-<Day> <Hour>:<Minute>:<Second>. (e.g. 2024-01-25 05:00:00)
  • Boolean - Stores a field of 1 or 0 / yes or no.
  • For the Wanderer template, all the fields are pretty straightforward as Strings, so we put together the following:
  • Close the parser function. }}

If you save the page here, you will now see your template page has a new option in the upper-right corner next to History called Recreate data. Clicking this button will create your new data table. If creating a completely new table, at this point, no data will be stored yet.

Note that this action is locked to administrator accounts to prevent vandalism of Cargo tables. Please contact someone with administrator-level perms to finish this step if you cannot!

Storing Cargo data[edit source]

See also: mw:Extension:Cargo/Storing data

Now that the table has been created, we will move on to the next step - using the #cargo_store parser function to actually put data into the table.

Back in Template:Wanderer, look for the #cargo_store parser function. The format is very similar to #cargo_declare.

  • Make sure #cargo_store is inside the <includeonly></includeonly> tags!
  • The parser function starts with {{#cargo_store:
  • We then specify the table name we want to store to. _table=Wanderer
  • Next we go through every field we created, but instead of specifying a field type, we want to actually specify what we want to store. As this is a template, we will be using template variables to store.
|imageName={{#invoke:String|replace|{{PAGENAME}}|:|}} icon.png
  • Close the parser function. }}

Once you make the rest of the template and save it, you can now go use your template on a page to store data. For example in Luminivore's source code, our template looks like this:

|description=Its origin can be traced back to light and darkness. Often lurking in the shadows of objects. Aggressive towards sources of light, it can change its form.
|battleGuide=Be on the lookout when it quickly lunges at you. Take appropriate action when its form changes.
  • Notice that we don't specify a name field, but it will automatically store PAGENAME as the default.

Once you save this page, all the data will be stored into the Cargo table, congrats! Repeat this for everything you want to store. This is why the Wiki operates on a per-page basis for most items, although it is possible store multiple Cargo stores on a single page (See Events/Archive/2024).

To confirm that your data has been stored, you can always check the page's Page Values, which can be found by appending ?action=pagevalues to the URL (e.g. On this page, you can see all the fields and what data was stored.

Querying Data[edit source]

See also: mw:Extension:Cargo/Querying data, mw:Extension:Cargo/Display formats

Now that you've successfully stored all your data, it's time to use it. For this example, we will do a few basic examples. Keep in mind though that Cargo is very powerful and can get quite complex, so these examples only scratch the surface. There are many ways to query and make use of the various display formats that Cargo offers, from simple lists to calendars.

Getting all wanderers in a list[edit source]

This is a pretty common query, as we often make lists of data we store in Cargo. For this example, we keep the requirements simple. We just want an unordered list (bullet list) of all wanderers and their description. The query looks like this:

|group by=name

The breakdown of this is as follows:

  • The parser function starts with {{#cargo_query:
  • We then specify the table name we want to store to. tables=Wanderer
  • Notice the lack of an underscore and tables not being singular compared to cargo_declare/cargo_store!
  • We specify all the fields we want (name and description) |fields=name,description
  • We specify the output format we want |format=ul
  • We set a high limit to make sure we get all Wanderers as we want |limit=999
  • The default limit is 50 if you do not specify this.
  • This is actually not a standard input for a query, but due to Cargo sometimes storing duplicates, we group all the duplicates with the same name. |group by=name

The output we get looks like this (For the purposes of display, we've put it inside a collapsible):

Cargo Output
  • Basalt (description: Commonly seen in tall, snow-covered mountains. Can causes blizzards and avalanches. Massive in size, it is extremely powerful.)
  • Bryo Golem (description: Commonly seen in ancient forests. Can cause earthquakes and fissures. Massive in size, it is extremely powerful.)
  • Carmine Talon (description: Its origin can be traced back to pollution in mountainous regions. With its body covered in obsidian, it uses its claws to break rocks and absorb energy. Extremely fast, it can deliver precise attacks.)
  • Charybdis Rex (description: Its origin can be traced back to polluted waters. Commonly seen in coastal areas and claims any territory it sets its sights on. Aggressive and territorial, it preys on the weak and fears the strong.)
  • Dark Myst (description: Its first appearance was during the Myst incident. Commonly seen on rainy days. Agile, it is Mystique&#039;s dark doppelganger.)
  • Deluge Wyrmlord (description: Having emerged for the first time from regions below sea level with anomalous energy fluctuations, it is covered in oceaninc crystals. It is currently one of the largest, most dangerous Wanderers known to humanity in terms of size and threat level.)
  • Elysian Cervus (description: Commonly seen in the tundra. Their antlers are covered in bluish-purple ice. Agile, they emit a soft glow.)
  • Elysian Knave (description: Its origin can be traced back to ice fields and divergent plate boundaries. Its body is covered in crystallized solutes. It excels in long chases and uses cold temperatures to slow down its enemies.)
  • Elysian Lacertus (description: Commonly seen in snowfields. Its body is covered in ice. While slow, it is aggressive and alert.)
  • Elysian Lupus (description: Commonly seen in snowfields. Its body is covered in icy blue frost. Aggressive and good at pouncing.)
  • Ferrum Obscurum (description: Commonly seen in mountainous terrain and jungles. It either appears in pairs or groups. Its limbs resemble sickles, allowing it to swiftly and accurately cut down obstacles and block attacks.)
  • Flamma Ignis (description: Its origin can be traced back to magma from a volcanic eruption. Its body was formed when flowing lava converged, and its is covered in igneous rock. It is always burning and can scorch its surroundings.)
  • Foulwings (description: Often seen in ancient forests. Its form resembles that of a wyvern with black wings. It is usually accompanied by howling winds and thunder.)
  • Foulwings Fledgling (description: This fledgling is not as strong as a fully grown Foulwings, but it flies very quickly.)
  • Gelidus Dentis (description: Its origin can be traced back to cold ice fields. It exudes a freezing aura and can condense the moisture in the air into ice. It is easily provoked by those who attempt to distance themselves from it.)
  • Glimmerblade (description: Its origin can be traced back to polluted waters. Commonly seen in colder seas, its body is covered in wave-like patterns. It attacks with two blades.)
  • Heartbreaker (description: First spotted next to a garbage can. Looks cute yet sad. It is determined to break people&#039;s hearts.)
  • Herte Knave (description: Origin unknown. Suspected to be capable of manipulating the human mind and causing hallucinations. It is agile and can teleport.)
  • Herte Knave: Advanced (description: Origin unknown. It has exceptional marksmanship skills. Agile, it can deliver precise attacks.)
  • Herte Knave: Original (description: Origin unknown. Can appear and disappear at will, the laws of reality not affecting it.)
  • Hoarfrost Wyrmlord (description: Its origin can be traced back to ice fields and divergent plate boundaries. Its skeleton is extremely rigid and cold. Its scales are made of mica, and it is capable of lowering the temperature of its surroundings.)
  • Ignis Golem (description: Its origin can be traced back to volcanic activity. Commonly seen near lava lakes and lava flows. Capable of increasing temperatures and frequently causes fires. Massive in size, it is extremely powerful.)
  • Ignis Wyrm (description: Its origin can be traced back to volcanic activity. Within its body is unstable magma which can be released to burn its surroundings.)
  • Ignitus Wyrmlord (description: Often seen in volcanic areas. Its form resembles that of a wyvern covered in red-gold scales. Its large wings can create a firestorm.)
  • Lamina Potentiae (description: Its origin can be traced back to metal that was melted by magma. Lava flows beneath its hardened shell. It has as solidified body.)
  • Lemonette (description: First spotted under a lemon tree. It smells sour and attacks any creature it sees using lemons.)
  • Luminivore (description: Its origin can be traced back to light and darkness. Often lurking in the shadows of objects. Aggressive towards sources of light, it can change its form.)
  • Magma Knave (description: Its origin can be traced back to volcanic activity. Its body is covered in hardened magma and contains lava that can erupt at any moment. Volatile and dangerous, it is always ready for a fight.)
  • Malachite (description: Commonly seen around cliffs. Can easily manipulate vines to defend its territory. Massive in size, it is extremely powerful.)
  • Mist Knave (description: Its origin can be traced back to the eerie atmosphere of swamps, forests, and old buildings. It exudes a frighteining aura. It may not possess strong offensive capabilities, but it excels at gathering energy for its allies.)
  • Mossy Knave (description: Commonly seen in tropical forests. Its body is covered in green crystals. Whenever it appears, the surrounding area becomes unusually humid. It lurks in the dark corners of the forest, waiting for the right moment to strike.)
  • Mr. Beanie (description: Often seen in arcades and toy stores. Its appearance is reminiscent of a mascot character sitting behind a counter where people exchange tokens. It loves using gold as its weapon.)
  • Myst (description: Its first appearance was during the Myst incident. Can enter a Shadowy or Azure State, thus becoming Dark Myst or Pale Myst respectively. Difficult to track down.)
  • Nauticverge (description: Its origin can be traced back to polluted waters. Commonly seen in colder seas, it can use ice to defend itself from potential threats.)
  • Pale Myst (description: Its first appearance was during the Myst incident. Commonly seen on rainy days. Unpredictable, it is Mystique&#039;s snow-white doppelganger.)
  • Petro Golem (description: Its origin can be traced back to craters left behind by meteorites. it continuously absorbs Metaflux to reinforce its rock exterior. Massive in size, it is extremely powerful.)
  • Polar Wyrm (description: Its origin can be traced back to ice fields. Within its body are unstable crystals which can be released as ice projectiles.)
  • Pumpkin Magus (description: First spotted during a failed circus performance. It loves to smash things. The more havoc it wreaks, the more excited it gets.)
  • Snoozer (description: This Wanderer can make people sleepy. Frequently appears in brightly lit office buildings and around those who have night shifts. Since sleep is its highest priority, it will try its best to put a lively individual to sleep.)
  • Spurtail (description: Commonly seen in the wilderness and mountain ranges. It resembles a feline predator. With a serrated appearance, it can shoot lasers. Agile and good at pouncing.)
  • Tezcatlipoca (description: Its origin can be traced back to a mirror&#039;s reflection. It lurks within any object that reflects light. It quickly traverses between mirrors using light.)
  • Tezcatlipoca Remnant (description: Its origin can be traced back to a mirror&#039;s reflection. It is aggressive and good at defending itself.)
  • Tezcatlipoca Shard (description: Its origin can be traced back to a mirror&#039;s reflection. Agile, it is adept at attacking.)
  • Thunderoar (description: Its origin can be traced back to an abnormal thunderstorm. Its body is covered in electrified crystals. The sword-like horns on its head wield great power.)
  • Velox Venator (description: Its origin can be traced back to pollution in mountainous regions. The excellent hunting skills and agility allow it to move and jump quickly. The tip of its tail is extremely sharp.)
  • Vespertilio (description: Its origin can be traced back to the pollution in forests. It is unable to fly, for light has damaged its wings. Swift as the wind, it often appears in groups during the rainy season.)
  • Vulcaneon (description: Commonly seen in high-altitude forests and mountains. Can cause geological disasters such as landslides. Massive in size, it is extremely powerful.)

Getting all wanderers with the Melee feature[edit source]

The next example introduces where, which can be used to filter your results based on the condition you specify. For this example, we want to get all wanderers that have the Melee feature. This does mean we have to check all five features, since it's possible Melee might be stored somewhere else.

The query is very similar to the last example, but there is a new where line.

|where=wandererFeature1="Melee" or wandererFeature2="Melee" or wandererFeature3="Melee" or wandererFeature4="Melee" or wandererFeature5="Melee"
|group by=name

An alternative to this instead of using all of these OR commands, is using the IN command instead, to check if the word "Melee" is in one of the wandererFeature fields.

|where="Melee" IN (wandererFeature1,wandererFeature2,wandererFeature3,wandererFeature4,wandererFeature5)
|group by=name
Cargo Output
  • Bryo Golem
  • Charybdis Rex
  • Dark Myst
  • Elysian Lacertus
  • Elysian Lupus
  • Ferrum Obscurum
  • Flamma Ignis
  • Glimmerblade
  • Herte Knave
  • Herte Knave: Original
  • Luminivore
  • Magma Knave
  • Mist Knave
  • Pumpkin Magus
  • Snoozer
  • Tezcatlipoca
  • Tezcatlipoca Remnant
  • Tezcatlipoca Shard
  • Vulcaneon

Using templates to make your output pretty[edit source]

One display format that we use on the Wiki is |template=format. What this means is you can go crazy with your HTML, CSS, etc. to make each output result customized as you want it. For example, List of Wanderers uses the template format.

However, Cargo has a bug where if you use the standard #cargo_query parser function with a template format, it will sometimes not render the query correctly.

We introduce Module:CargoQuery to this bug. The format is very similar, but has differences. For this example, we will take the query from the last example and instead output it with Template:Textcolor to turn the output names a purple color. We will also introduce a new function CONCAT The query is as follows:

|q?where="Melee" IN (wandererFeature1,wandererFeature2,wandererFeature3,wandererFeature4,wandererFeature5)
Cargo Output
Bryo GolemCharybdis RexDark MystElysian LacertusElysian LupusFerrum ObscurumFlamma IgnisGlimmerbladeHerte KnaveHerte Knave: OriginalLuminivoreMagma KnaveMist KnavePumpkin MagusSnoozerTezcatlipocaTezcatlipoca RemnantTezcatlipoca ShardVulcaneon
  • We call the main function in Module:CargoQuery with {{#invoke:CargoQuery|main
  • Notice that most of the lines now have q? added to them. This is specific to the Module.
  • We have changed the fields line a bit to |q?fields=name=text,CONCAT('purple')=color
  • Template:Textcolor takes two variables: text and color. Notice that we've set name=text and CONCAT('purple')=color
  • The CONCAT function allows for adding string content to your output. We don't have any field that would specify purple, so we just CONCAT the 'purple' string in ourselves.
  • This can also be used with fields. For example, CONCAT('Name: ', name)=text would prepend Name: before the wanderer names in the previous query.
  • Notice that groupBy is not separate using the Module.
  • Notice that the template we specify does not include q?