View table: Wanderer

From Love and Deepspace Wiki

Table structure:

  1. name - String
  2. imageName - String
  3. description - String
  4. battleGuide - String
  5. wandererFeature1 - String
  6. wandererFeature2 - String
  7. wandererFeature3 - String
  8. wandererFeature4 - String
  9. wandererFeature5 - String

This table has 47 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page name imageName description battleGuide wandererFeature1 wandererFeature2 wandererFeature3 wandererFeature4 wandererFeature5
Basalt (edit) Basalt Basalt icon.png Commonly seen in tall, snow-covered mountains. Can causes blizzards and avalanches. Massive in size, it is extremely powerful. Attack it at close range. Dodge its ranged attacks. Ranged Attack
Bryo Golem (edit) Bryo Golem Bryo Golem icon.png Commonly seen in ancient forests. Can cause earthquakes and fissures. Massive in size, it is extremely powerful. Be careful when it's near you and dodge its attacks. Melee
Carmine Talon (edit) Carmine Talon Carmine Talon icon.png Its origin can be traced back to pollution in mountainous regions. With its body covered in obsidian, it uses its claws to break rocks and absorb energy. Extremely fast, it can deliver precise attacks. Attack it at close range, and dodge its attacks. Ranged Attack
Charybdis Rex (edit) Charybdis Rex Charybdis Rex icon.png Its origin can be traced back to polluted waters. Commonly seen in coastal areas and claims any territory it sets its sights on. Aggressive and territorial, it preys on the weak and fears the strong. Be on the lookout when this enemy burrows underground. Dodge its surprise attacks. Melee Burrow
Dark Myst (edit) Dark Myst Dark Myst icon.png Its first appearance was during the Myst incident. Commonly seen on rainy days. Agile, it is Mystique's dark doppelganger. Stay on your toes when it's near you. Dodge its axes and tornados. Melee
Deluge Wyrmlord (edit) Deluge Wyrmlord Deluge Wyrmlord icon.png Having emerged for the first time from regions below sea level with anomalous energy fluctuations, it is covered in oceaninc crystals. It is currently one of the largest, most dangerous Wanderers known to humanity in terms of size and threat level. Stay on your toes when it's near you. Dodge its ranged attacks. Melee and Ranged
Elysian Cervus (edit) Elysian Cervus Elysian Cervus icon.png Commonly seen in the tundra. Their antlers are covered in bluish-purple ice. Agile, they emit a soft glow. Keep your distance from it and dodge its attacks that can give you frostbite. Melee and Ranged
Elysian Knave (edit) Elysian Knave Elysian Knave icon.png Its origin can be traced back to ice fields and divergent plate boundaries. Its body is covered in crystallized solutes. It excels in long chases and uses cold temperatures to slow down its enemies. Keep an eye on the enemy's position. Dodge its skills to avoid being frostbitten. Melee and Ranged
Elysian Lacertus (edit) Elysian Lacertus Elysian Lacertus icon.png Commonly seen in snowfields. Its body is covered in ice. While slow, it is aggressive and alert. Attack it aggressively at close range, and make sure to dodge its attacks with frostbite effect. Melee
Elysian Lupus (edit) Elysian Lupus Elysian Lupus icon.png Commonly seen in snowfields. Its body is covered in icy blue frost. Aggressive and good at pouncing. Be careful when it lunges at you. Dodge its attacks. Melee
Ferrum Obscurum (edit) Ferrum Obscurum Ferrum Obscurum icon.png Commonly seen in mountainous terrain and jungles. It either appears in pairs or groups. Its limbs resemble sickles, allowing it to swiftly and accurately cut down obstacles and block attacks. Stay on your toes when it's close to you. Quickly dodge its sharp blades. Melee
Flamma Ignis (edit) Flamma Ignis Flamma Ignis icon.png Its origin can be traced back to magma from a volcanic eruption. Its body was formed when flowing lava converged, and its is covered in igneous rock. It is always burning and can scorch its surroundings. Quickly break its Protocore Shield to avoid being burned. Melee
Foulwings (edit) Foulwings Foulwings icon.png Often seen in ancient forests. Its form resembles that of a wyvern with black wings. It is usually accompanied by howling winds and thunder. Keep your distance from it and dodge its various attacks. Melee and Ranged Breathe Evade
Foulwings Fledgling (edit) Foulwings Fledgling Foulwings Fledgling icon.png This fledgling is not as strong as a fully grown Foulwings, but it flies very quickly. Stay on your toes when it's near you. Dodge its ranged attacks. Melee and Ranged
Gelidus Dentis (edit) Gelidus Dentis Gelidus Dentis icon.png Its origin can be traced back to cold ice fields. It exudes a freezing aura and can condense the moisture in the air into ice. It is easily provoked by those who attempt to distance themselves from it. Try staying close to it when attacking to prevent it from becoming too aggressive. Ranged Attack
Glimmerblade (edit) Glimmerblade Glimmerblade icon.png Its origin can be traced back to polluted waters. Commonly seen in colder seas, its body is covered in wave-like patterns. It attacks with two blades. Stay on your toes when it chases you. Don't let it catch you. Melee
Heartbreaker (Wanderer) (edit) Heartbreaker Heartbreaker (Wanderer) icon.png First spotted next to a garbage can. Looks cute yet sad. It is determined to break people's hearts. Stop Heartbreaker from collecting love letters. Or else you'll have to face the consequences! Melee and Ranged
Herte Knave (edit) Herte Knave Herte Knave icon.png Origin unknown. Suspected to be capable of manipulating the human mind and causing hallucinations. It is agile and can teleport. Be careful when it's near you and dodge its attacks. Melee
Herte Knave: Advanced (edit) Herte Knave: Advanced Herte Knave Advanced icon.png Origin unknown. It has exceptional marksmanship skills. Agile, it can deliver precise attacks. Attack it at close range. Dodge the shockwaves. Ranged Attack
Herte Knave: Original (edit) Herte Knave: Original Herte Knave Original icon.png Origin unknown. Can appear and disappear at will, the laws of reality not affecting it. Be careful when you're being chased by it. Dodge its various attacks. Melee
Hoarfrost Wyrmlord (edit) Hoarfrost Wyrmlord Hoarfrost Wyrmlord icon.png Its origin can be traced back to ice fields and divergent plate boundaries. Its skeleton is extremely rigid and cold. Its scales are made of mica, and it is capable of lowering the temperature of its surroundings. Keep your distance form it, and make sure to dodge its various attacks to avoid being frozen. Melee and Ranged
Ignis Golem (edit) Ignis Golem Ignis Golem icon.png Its origin can be traced back to volcanic activity. Commonly seen near lava lakes and lava flows. Capable of increasing temperatures and frequently causes fires. Massive in size, it is extremely powerful. Keep your distance form it and dodge the rocks it summons. Melee and Ranged
Ignis Wyrm (edit) Ignis Wyrm Ignis Wyrm icon.png Its origin can be traced back to volcanic activity. Within its body is unstable magma which can be released to burn its surroundings. Keep your distance from it. Make sure to dodge its various attacks to avoid being burned. Melee and Ranged
Ignitus Wyrmlord (edit) Ignitus Wyrmlord Ignitus Wyrmlord icon.png Often seen in volcanic areas. Its form resembles that of a wyvern covered in red-gold scales. Its large wings can create a firestorm. Keep your distance from it and dodge its various attacks. Melee and Ranged
Lamina Potentiae (edit) Lamina Potentiae Lamina Potentiae icon.png Its origin can be traced back to metal that was melted by magma. Lava flows beneath its hardened shell. It has as solidified body. Avoid being too far away to prevent a large-scale explosion. Stay as close as possible and avoid the lava. Ranged Attack
Lemonette (Wanderer) (edit) Lemonette Lemonette (Wanderer) icon.png First spotted under a lemon tree. It smells sour and attacks any creature it sees using lemons. Use Lemonette's green lemons against itself to destroy its shield. Ranged Attack
Luminivore (edit) Luminivore Luminivore icon.png Its origin can be traced back to light and darkness. Often lurking in the shadows of objects. Aggressive towards sources of light, it can change its form. Be on the lookout when it quickly lunges at you. Take appropriate action when its form changes. Melee Shapeshifter
Magma Knave (edit) Magma Knave Magma Knave icon.png Its origin can be traced back to volcanic activity. Its body is covered in hardened magma and contains lava that can erupt at any moment. Volatile and dangerous, it is always ready for a fight. Stay away from the enemy to avoid explosions. Melee
Malachite (edit) Malachite Malachite icon.png Commonly seen around cliffs. Can easily manipulate vines to defend its territory. Massive in size, it is extremely powerful. Pay close attention to how it uses its vines. Dodge its ranged attacks. Ranged Attack
Mist Knave (edit) Mist Knave Mist Knave icon.png Its origin can be traced back to the eerie atmosphere of swamps, forests, and old buildings. It exudes a frighteining aura. It may not possess strong offensive capabilities, but it excels at gathering energy for its allies. Interrupt it when it tries to heal. Quickly get rid of it to prevent it from healing enemies. Melee Assist
Mossy Knave (edit) Mossy Knave Mossy Knave icon.png Commonly seen in tropical forests. Its body is covered in green crystals. Whenever it appears, the surrounding area becomes unusually humid. It lurks in the dark corners of the forest, waiting for the right moment to strike. Prioritize killing it to avoid debuffs. Attack it in close range. Ranged Attack
Mr. Beanie (Wanderer) (edit) Mr. Beanie Mr. Beanie (Wanderer) icon.png Often seen in arcades and toy stores. Its appearance is reminiscent of a mascot character sitting behind a counter where people exchange tokens. It loves using gold as its weapon. Dodge the present Mr. Beanie summons. Destroying them increases your ATK. Ranged Attack
Myst (edit) Myst Myst icon.png Its first appearance was during the Myst incident. Can enter a Shadowy or Azure State, thus becoming Dark Myst or Pale Myst respectively. Difficult to track down. Dodge the attacks and break Myst's shield ASAP. Melee and Ranged
Nauticverge (edit) Nauticverge Nauticverge icon.png Its origin can be traced back to polluted waters. Commonly seen in colder seas, it can use ice to defend itself from potential threats. Keep your distance from it and dodge its ice attacks. Ranged Attack
Pale Myst (edit) Pale Myst Pale Myst icon.png Its first appearance was during the Myst incident. Commonly seen on rainy days. Unpredictable, it is Mystique's snow-white doppelganger. Stay on your toes when it's near you. Dodge its various attacks. Ranged Attack
Petro Golem (edit) Petro Golem Petro Golem icon.png Its origin can be traced back to craters left behind by meteorites. it continuously absorbs Metaflux to reinforce its rock exterior. Massive in size, it is extremely powerful. Be careful when it's near you and dodge its attacks. Melee and Ranged Furious Devour
Polar Wyrm (edit) Polar Wyrm Polar Wyrm icon.png Its origin can be traced back to ice fields. Within its body are unstable crystals which can be released as ice projectiles. Keep your distance form it, and make sure to dodge its various attacks to avoid being frostbitten. Melee and Ranged
Pumpkin Magus (Wanderer) (edit) Pumpkin Magus Pumpkin Magus (Wanderer) icon.png First spotted during a failed circus performance. It loves to smash things. The more havoc it wreaks, the more excited it gets. Destroy Pumpkin magus's bombs or else they'll explode. Melee
Snoozer (Wanderer) (edit) Snoozer Snoozer (Wanderer) icon.png This Wanderer can make people sleepy. Frequently appears in brightly lit office buildings and around those who have night shifts. Since sleep is its highest priority, it will try its best to put a lively individual to sleep. Pop Snoozer's bubbles. Or else you'll be in danger. Melee
Spurtail (edit) Spurtail Spurtail icon.png Commonly seen in the wilderness and mountain ranges. It resembles a feline predator. With a serrated appearance, it can shoot lasers. Agile and good at pouncing. Be careful when it lunges at you. Dodge its lasers. Melee and Ranged
Tezcatlipoca (edit) Tezcatlipoca Tezcatlipoca icon.png Its origin can be traced back to a mirror's reflection. It lurks within any object that reflects light. It quickly traverses between mirrors using light. Be careful when it lunges at you and watch out for its AoE attacks. Melee Furious
Tezcatlipoca Remnant (edit) Tezcatlipoca Remnant Tezcatlipoca Remnant icon.png Its origin can be traced back to a mirror's reflection. It is aggressive and good at defending itself. Be careful when it's near you. Quickly attack it when it's charging. Melee Raise Shield
Tezcatlipoca Shard (edit) Tezcatlipoca Shard Tezcatlipoca Shard icon.png Its origin can be traced back to a mirror's reflection. Agile, it is adept at attacking. Be careful when it's near you and dodge its attacks. Melee
Thunderoar (edit) Thunderoar Thunderoar icon.png Its origin can be traced back to an abnormal thunderstorm. Its body is covered in electrified crystals. The sword-like horns on its head wield great power. Keep your distance from it and dodge its attacks when it's electrified. Melee and Ranged
Velox Venator (edit) Velox Venator Velox Venator icon.png Its origin can be traced back to pollution in mountainous regions. The excellent hunting skills and agility allow it to move and jump quickly. The tip of its tail is extremely sharp. Quickly get rid of it to prevent it from healing, and dodge its various attacks. Melee and Ranged
Vespertilio (edit) Vespertilio Vespertilio icon.png Its origin can be traced back to the pollution in forests. It is unable to fly, for light has damaged its wings. Swift as the wind, it often appears in groups during the rainy season. Attack it at close range, and dodge its attacks. Ranged Attack
Vulcaneon (edit) Vulcaneon Vulcaneon icon.png Commonly seen in high-altitude forests and mountains. Can cause geological disasters such as landslides. Massive in size, it is extremely powerful. Be careful when it starts rolling. Dodge its lunging attacks. Melee