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UNICORNS is the name of the Hunter Association team in Love and Deepspace that the player is a member of.

Spacepedia Entry[edit | edit source]

File:UNICORNS Spacepedia image.png

One of the teams under the Hunters Association. First established during the disaster 14 years ago, it is responsible for dealing with Wanderer-related incidents, especially those involving dangerous Wanderers. It's logo is that of a unicorn.

Alpha Team

A UNICORNS sector known for it's rigorous selection process. To prevent crisis, it is responsible for carrying out missions that include the following: detecting Wanderers, searching for Wanderers, and eliminating Wanderers. Its members consist of highly skilled hunters.

Data Analysis

A UNICORNS sector. Responsible for the following: gathering and analyzing data, detecting and identifying Protocores, monitoring regional energy fluctuations, etc. They serve as the intelligence processing center for the entire team and provide support to other sectors.