Splashy Birb

From Love and Deepspace Wiki
Splashy Birb

Little Birb has recently discovered a deep love for swimming and even went as far as purchasing a blue swimwear. Whenever it dives into the ocean, it becomes a surging wave.

Splashy Birb is a Plushie item that is exclusive to Rafayel that can be obtained in Love and Deepspace.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

File:Splashy Birb front.png
Splashy Birb - Front View
File:Splashy Birb back.png
Splashy Birb - Back View
File:Splashy Birb left.png
Splashy Birb - Left View
File:Splashy Birb right.png
Splashy Birb - Right View
File:Splashy Birb top.png
Splashy Birb - Top View
File:Splashy Birb bottom.png
Splashy Birb - Bottom View