Shy Thistle

From Love and Deepspace Wiki
Revision as of 20:01, 16 February 2024 by Elaeagnifolia (talk | contribs) (Adding plushie source)

Shy Thistle

Shy Thistle

This bashful cactus turns a shade of pink at the sight of others. Because of this, no one but itself knows its true color.


Shy Thistle is a Plushie item that can be obtained in Love and Deepspace.


File:Shy Thistle front.png
Shy Thistle - Front View
File:Shy Thistle back.png
Shy Thistle - Back View
File:Shy Thistle left.png
Shy Thistle - Left View
File:Shy Thistle right.png
Shy Thistle - Right View
File:Shy Thistle top.png
Shy Thistle - Top View
File:Shy Thistle bottom.png
Shy Thistle - Bottom View