Previous Bodyguard (Rafayel Text Message)/Script

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Previous Bodyguard (Rafayel Text Message)
Rafayel: i carried out a good deed for linkon on your behalf
[CHOICE] You met a Wanderer?

[CHOICE] I got some snacks ready.
Main Character: I have my snacks ready. Tell me.
Rafayel: a big kid was picking on a little kid i pretended to be the little kids big brother and scared the bully away
Rafayel: the little kid was interesting he asked me to be his bodyguard
Rafayel: guess the importance of having a bodyguard is becoming more obvious nowadays

[CHOICE] More like threaten...
Main Character: A good deed on my behalf? More like threaten, if you ask me...
Rafayel: only person i threatened was a bully picking on a little kid
Rafayel: if it werent for me the kids lunch money wouldve been taken
Rafayel: shows the importance of having a strong bodyguard

[CHOICE] But kids don't usually have bodyguards?
Main Character: But kids don't usually have bodyguards?
Rafayel: says who i had one
Rafayel: you didnt know you had a predecessor did you
Rafayel: got into a lot of trouble when i was little had to rely on your predecessor to protect me

[CHOICE] Are you going to be the kid's bodyguard?

[CHOICE] You empathized with him.
Main Character: You empathized with the little kid in that situation.
Rafayel: were you bullied as a kid
Rafayel: dun worry you protect me and i protect you now
Rafayel: as a kid i had someone who can be considered your predecessor we protected each other

[CHOICE] Who shares the same bad luck as me?
Main Character: A predecessor? Who shares the same bad luck as me?
Rafayel: bad luck? your predecessor willingly signed up for the job
Rafayel: it was the best little octopus in the sea it covered for me when i ran away
Rafayel: it eventually quit but now i have you

[CHOICE] Who is this predecessor?

[CHOICE] Is it an aquatic friend of yours again?
Main Character: I didn't expect you to have another bodyguard before me. Is it an aquatic friend of yours again?
Rafayel: thats right youre getting better at understanding me
Rafayel: it was a little octopus who squirted ink to cover for me while i made my escape
Rafayel: when you have time ill let you meet its descendants