New Feature (Xavier Text Message)/Script

From Love and Deepspace Wiki
New Feature (Xavier Text Message)
[CHOICE] New Feature
Main Character: We can now see each other's coordinates using the Friends function on the Hunter's Watch! But isn't this feature a little weird...
Xavier: U mean the two red hearts on the map
[CHOICE] There's something even weirder.
Main Character: There's something even weirder. When we get closer, the hearts beat faster... The closer we are, the stronger they beat...
Xavier: These two hearts R even more conspicuous than the Wanderers coordinates
Xavier: Maybe people from the Wanderer Cruelty Prevention Society infiltrated the Hunters Association

[CHOICE] It's not a real function!

[CHOICE] Just like a food delivery app.
Main Character: Yup! And these two hearts beat faster as we get closer...
Main Character: Just like a food delivery app.
Xavier: Like déjà vu
Xavier: But would any customers move toward the delivery person

[CHOICE] It was just a comparison...
Main Character: It was just a comparison...
Main Character: Huh? Are you heading over to my location, Xavier? These two hearts are beating faster and faster!
Xavier: I just dealt with a Wanderer nearby so I thought Id try out the new function U mentioned
Xavier: That heart is beating very fast. Its acting up even more than when a Wanderer appears
[CHOICE] Oh, we can change the icon.
Main Character: By the way, it looks like we can change the icon! We can choose between four-leaf clovers, triangles, diamonds... There are also stars!
Xavier: Ah I see
Xavier: But we can only change our own

[CHOICE] This function can be turned off.

[CHOICE] We can change the privacy settings.
Main Character: We can change the privacy settings to hide our location from the other person!
Xavier: I mean...
Xavier: Its an unnecessary feature to begin with

[CHOICE] Who else do you have red hearts with?

[CHOICE] Will you turn off this function?
Main Character: So will you turn off this function, then?
Xavier: No
Xavier: Since I already followed U Ill follow U to the end

[CHOICE] I accidentally unfollowed you.
Main Character: Oh no! I wanted to turn off the function but I accidentally unfollowed you... The red heart disappeared!
Xavier: ...
Xavier: Just refollow me then
Xavier: Otherwise I wont be able to find the coordinates