Firefly (Xavier Text Message)/Script

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Firefly (Xavier Text Message)
[CHOICE] Firefly
Main Character: I heard the door closing upstairs... Did you just come back?
Xavier: Yeah. Did I wake U up
[CHOICE] Are you busy?

[CHOICE] I'm still awake. Are you tired?
Main Character: No, I haven't gone to bed yet! You've been coming home late these days. Are you tired?
Xavier: I wasnt fighting a Wanderer. I stumbled upon some fireflies
Xavier: I keep revisiting them whenever Im bored. I guess I lost track of time tonight

[CHOICE] Sleep early.
Main Character: It's getting late... I'm going to bed. You should sleep too! Sweet dreams.
Xavier: Yeah
Xavier: Since Ive been admiring the fireflies for the past couple of days...
Xavier: I think Ill have a brilliant dream tonight

[CHOICE] Fireflies?! Never seen them before.

[CHOICE] I've seen them before.
Main Character: I've seen them before, in the countryside I think... I can't remember.
Xavier: If I go there tomorrow should I bring U along
Xavier: I also cant remember where Ive seen them before
Xavier: But now we can go see them together

[CHOICE] Where?
Main Character: Wow! Fireflies are so hard to find nowadays. Where did you see them?
Xavier: A grove outside a no-hunt zone
Xavier: I think the fireflies made it their home because its very far away from humans
Xavier: Do U want to go check it out

[CHOICE] Sure, let's go together.
Main Character: Sure! Let's go check it out tomorrow!
Main Character: But they never met me before. Do you think I'll scare them if I go?
Xavier: Just hold a small orb of light when U approach them
Xavier: Ill lend U a light. If U have ur own light, theyll recognize U as 1 of their own

[CHOICE] Kinda scared of fireflies in real life.

[CHOICE] Isn't glowing every night exhausting?