Emotion Perception (Xavier Text Message)

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Emotion Perception
Featured Character
Reaching character Affinity level 13

Emotion Perception is a Daily Text Message with Xavier in Love and Deepspace.

Script[edit source]

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Emotion Perception (Xavier Text Message)
[CHOICE] Emotion Perception
Main Character: Xavier, there's a Hunter's Exam question I want to ask you about...
Main Character: How do we know if someone is actually an intelligent Wanderer?
Xavier: By instinct?
Xavier: Most Wanderers arent as emotional as humans

[CHOICE] What if they're like you...
Main Character: What if they don't show any emotions like you?
Xavier: Huh

[CHOICE] You and emotions are...
Main Character: Your emotions are...
Xavier: It seems U dont want to continue
Xavier: U can say it if U want

[CHOICE] But not everyone is emotional.
Main Character: But not everyone is emotional. Like..
Xavier: Like?
Xavier: U havent finish ur sentence

[CHOICE] You're always so calm.
Main Character: You're always so calm. There's never a frown on your face, even in times of crisis...
Xavier: Next time theres a crisis...
Xavier: Ill make sure to call U over to see my face

[CHOICE] You don't react to a lot of things...
Main Character: You don't react to a lot of things...
Xavier: No there R some
Xavier: For example I reacted to U

[CHOICE] I envy how you control your emotions.

[CHOICE] Have you ever felt super disappointed?
Main Character: I'm curious. Have you ever felt super disappointed?
Xavier: I dont think so
Xavier: Sometimes I get slightly disappointed
Xavier: Like when I realized I dont clearly show my emotions

[CHOICE] Have you ever gotten really angry?
Main Character: I'm curious. Have you ever gotten really angry?
Xavier: No not really
Xavier: 1 time I dozed off after not sleeping for several days only to be rudely awakened by a thief
Xavier: I taught him how to stay quiet

[CHOICE] Have you ever felt really happy?
Main Character: I'm curious. Have you ever felt really happy?
Xavier: Im happy sometimes but its nothing special
Xavier: Sometimes I forget why Im laughing
Xavier: How about U? Have U ever felt really happy