Demolition Artist (Rafayel Text Message)/Script

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Demolition Artist (Rafayel Text Message)
Rafayel: accidentally dismantled my home
[CHOICE] Tell me.
Main Character: How? Tell me.
Rafayel: wanted to know what its like to sleep in the middle of the road
Rafayel: emptied the studio and drew a crossroad in the room
Rafayel: sidewalk stretches all the way to the wall and cars seem ready to run over my body from all sides

[CHOICE] Accidentally...

[CHOICE] Dismantled, again?
Main Character: Dismantled, again? But I'm still curious about what you made it look like this time.
Rafayel: a crossroad with cars on the walls all around me
Rafayel: if you lie down in the center of the room
Rafayel: when the light turns on and you look at the walls around you youll feel like youre sleeping in the middle of the road

[CHOICE] So this is art?
Main Character: So this is art?
Rafayel: it was an exciting feeling of creativity i feel like ive been reborn
Rafayel: only problem is im going to die again when the housekeeper sees it
Rafayel: the more i think about it the more scared i get maybe ill lock up the studio and forbid others from entering from now on

[CHOICE] I want to try.
Main Character: Sounds interesting. I want to try.
Rafayel: come over quickly then cant guarantee the experience will be as magical when the housekeeper arrives
Rafayel: but who knows maybe there will be an even more magical experience
Rafayel: and by that i mean... getting yelled at together

[CHOICE] Awkward moment +1.

[CHOICE] Any other ideas?
Main Character: Any other ideas? Think of something, quick.
Rafayel: best option is for you to take the bullet for me
Rafayel: or distract the housekeeper
Rafayel: we can say that todays my birthday and the birthday boy gets to do whatever he wantsFile:Yellow Beanie Genius icon.png!

[CHOICE] Is that really okay?

[CHOICE] You knew you'd be scolded.
Main Character: If you knew you'd be scolded, why did you...
Rafayel: desire to create > desire to survive
Rafayel: im already packing my bags lets go
Rafayel: can leave overnight and live in exile for a decade by the time we come back im sure the housekeeper will have forgotten about this