Customer Complaint (Xavier Text Message)/Script

From Love and Deepspace Wiki
Customer Complaint (Xavier Text Message)
Xavier: Do U know how to file a complaint against a store employee
[CHOICE] Who do you want to complain about?
Main Character: Who do you want to file a complaint against?
Xavier: No
Xavier: Im the employee

[CHOICE] Look for the complaint box.

[CHOICE] Complain to the manager.
Main Character: Find the manager and complain to them!
Xavier: Theyre away right now. Im the only employee here

[CHOICE] So you're the target of the complaint?
Main Character: Someone wants to file a complaint against you? Why?
Xavier: Im just helping a friend look after their bookstore
Xavier: A customer said I didnt greet him warmly enough

[CHOICE] When did you become a store employee?
Main Character: Huh? When did you become a store employee?
Xavier: Im helping a friend look after their bookstore temporarily
Xavier: A customer came in and said I didnt greet him warmly enough

[CHOICE] What store are you working at?

[CHOICE] What will you do?
Main Character: And then?
Xavier: Idk
Xavier: I also asked him that
Xavier: Then problem resolved

[CHOICE] Explain the situation?

[CHOICE] Is he picking a fight with you?
Main Character: ...Is he trying to pick a fight with you?
Xavier: Maybe. Looks like trouble
Xavier: Thats why I want him to just file a complaint and leave
Xavier: The problem has been resolved

[CHOICE] Already?
Main Character: Already? How did you resolve it?
Xavier: It was closing time. I turned off the lights and shut the doors and windows
Xavier: Everything was peaceful after