Cheerful Fish (Rafayel Text Message)

From Love and Deepspace Wiki
Cheerful Fish
Featured Character
Logging in during Linkon New Year

Cheerful Fish is a Daily Text Message with Rafayel in Love and Deepspace.

Script[edit source]

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Cheerful Fish (Rafayel Text Message)
Rafayel: why there a drawing on my fish tank
Rafayel: you did this didnt you
[CHOICE] It's something I should've done.
Main Character: It's something I should've done. No need to thank me!
Rafayel: let me see... what this
Rafayel: a golden carp?
Rafayel: i can tell you drew this lol

[CHOICE] Let Reddie be happy.
Main Character: Of course. I'm happy today, so I want Reddie to be happy, to!
Rafayel: you're very considerate of the fish
Rafayel: and you drew a carp because reddie is a fish
Rafayel: tho your art style is... very unique

[CHOICE] I wrote blessings!
Main Character:

[CHOICE] It's not as good as your art.
Main Character: It might not be as good as your art, but I think it's a nice drawing!
Rafayel: the fish tank does feel brighter and reddie looks also happier
Rafayel: speaking of which why does reddie get something
Rafayel: wheres my gift

[CHOICE] The painting exhibition...
Main Character:

[CHOICE] It's not for you.
Main Character: It's not for you. It's an artistic exchange between me and Reddie.
Rafayel: when did you two get so close
Rafayel: aaand why only give a present to that fish
Rafayel: wheres my gift

[CHOICE] I didn't forget about you.
Main Character: Of course, I didn't forget about you. But it's a secret for now. I'll tell you when we meet up!
Rafayel: that more like it
Rafayel: thx for the drawing too
Rafayel: reddies thank you gift
Rafayel: btw freddie says he misses you and wants to see you

[CHOICE] I misplaced your gift.
Main Character: Oh no, I might have misplaced your gift.
Rafayel: your hint is too obvious
Rafayel: year-end reward for...
Rafayel: can i see my gift now

[CHOICE] Isn't it for you basically?
Main Character: