Rafayel/About Him

From Love and Deepspace Wiki
Revision as of 09:47, 24 May 2024 by MissM (talk | contribs) (→‎Life (Daily Life))
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The About Him page unlocks after completing Main Story 2-15 and details information about the Companions, including general details as well as information unlocked from completing stories.

Life (Daily Life)


  • His home is his studio. That's right, he lives in his own art studio at Whitesand Bay.
  • When he couldn't find inspiration, he bought a bunch of strange yet interesting things.
  • The colors he uses depend on his feelings. He doesn't care about precision in his art.


  • He's afraid of cats, but unwilling to admit it.

Past (His Past)

  • When he was little, he had a whale whistle that guided him home.

Likes (His Likes)

Story (Our Story)

  • He was once caught in a storm and got stranded. Luckily, someone came to his rescue.
  • He's very impatient, especially when waiting for someone. But when have I ever made him wait for me?