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==Chapter 2: The First Mission==
===02/story Close Encounters===
The protagonist accepts her first solo mission from the Client Henry. Henry has requested the aid of of the Hunter’s Association with the task of finding Mr. Raymond, a renowned collector who has been exhibiting signs of mental confusion and other abnormal behavior. On a motorcycle, the protagonist zips her way through the southeastern suburbs of Linkon City where the wealthy elite of the city live. As she approaches the western suburbs where Mr Raymond lives, she comes across a smoking car with a familiar tall figure, Zayne. Zayne comments on the protagonists working a mission after her encounter with Luminivore Wanderers two days beforehand. The protagonist comments she is only checking to see if a house has Wanderers in it. In shock, the two realize they are going to the same house in the same direction. The protagonist offers Zayne a ride on the backseat of her motorcycle after giggling at seeing the stoic doctor in an uncomfortable position on the side of the road. Zayne takes the suggestion uneasily, but once the AR Navigation system of the motorcycle says it will take 13.5 km, Zayne quickly changes his tune and hops onto the backseat with some grievance.
The duo pass through an ornate iron gate and are greeted by a desolate courtyard and large pool in front of a vast mansion with modern architectural style. The protagonist asks how Zayne knows Mr. Raymond. Zayne responds that Mr. Raymond was a former patient of his with a serious congenital heart disease. Zayne jokes with the protagonist about her nervousness with meeting Mr. Raymond.
Zayne and the protagonist enter the mansion and notice a fish tank in the center of the hall. A skeleton of a human with fish like appendages and a long swooping tale sits in the center of the large waterless tank. The light shines over the skeleton in an eerie paleness which is surrounded by a spiral staircase extending to the ceiling. The protagonist stares at the skeleton with a mixture of disgust and awe which the butler, Herman, notices and comments that she shouldn’t think too hard about the art. Zayne asks if Dr Raymond is in his collection room on the third floor. Herman the butler asks if he needs to accompany the protagonist for the Wanderer Inspection which she coldly rejects.
==Chapter 3: Talented Hunter==

Revision as of 21:56, 20 February 2024

The Main Story is a focal point of gameplay within Love and Deepspace. Upon reaching a certain level, the next chapter will open up to allow the player the ability the explore the story with either visual novel-like storytelling and/or with combat.

Chapter 1: To Begin

00/story Singularity Echo

01/story Deepspace Hunter

The President of the Deepspace Hunter’s Organization presents himself in front of a large number of recruits who have passed the selection process. They are waiting for their badges to become full-fledged hunters and be assigned to a squad. He begins by opening up with a dialogue on the history of Linkon and the creation of the Deepspace Hunter. Fourteen years ago, the Deepspace tunnel opened above Linkon City. Deepspace hunters were created in response to the threat of wanderers. By extracting the protocores from the Wanderers, the hunters hope to destroy all the Wanderers.

During the president’s speech, she is approached by an unknown girl who is nervous during the ceremony. The protagonist is the first candidate to be examined by the President.  She places her hand on the podium to confirm her personal information. The examination says that she has Anhausen class Evol which has a lot of potential for growth and new abilities. The president says that he understands why Jenna picked the protagonist due to her Evol. The President’s podium attempts to read the protagonist’s Evol level, however, it is unable to be detected. The screen says “Lost.” The protagonist is unsurprised and says that her Evol level is unable to be read and is unstable due being attacked by a Wanderer fourteen years ago. Despite her Evol being unable to be read, the President says that the criteria for becoming a Deepspace Hunter is due to ability and skill. She is then presented with a badge welcoming her as a full-fledged Deepspace Hunter.

Jenna is the UNICORNS captain in charge of the protagonist and Tara’s squad. Tara was the girl standing next to the protagonist during the badge ceremony. Tara says that her tarot reading said that she would be super lucky and is excited to work with the protagonist. The Hunter’s Watch rings and shows that a Threat Level/ C-B Wanderer has been detected and the protagonist accepts the mission. Tara goes to scout the perimeter while the Protagonist goes inside. A metaflux explosion occurred that did not match the Wanderer’s threat level which causes distress to the protagonist. As she journeys in the Abandoned Research Base: Deep, she keeps her pistol at the ready.

02/story Mysterious Light

Further into the building, she finds a young adult man snoozing peacefully amongst the plant life which has reclaimed the concrete building. Upon looking at him closely, she realizes that he is a hunter. She moves closer to him and detects metaflux on his person as if he had been attacked but he doesn’t seem to be injured. The protagonist attempts to call for emergency backup, and then the mysterious man abruptly awakens and tells her to be quiet. The fluctuations suddenly increase, and the mysterious man leaps into action. Blades of light strike through the air, but the mysterious man grimaces in pain and a strange collar of red light surrounds his neck. The mysterious man says a Protofield has been created and asks the protagonist to fight with him.


The mysterious man and the protagonist defeat a Luminivore Wanderer.

04/story Heart Towards Resonance

After defeating the Wanderer, a pink Protocore floats towards the mysterious man. He grabs and then crushes the protocore while muttering “This isn’t it.” The protagonist gets upset and tells the mysterious man that they could’ve received important information from and reprimanded him for destroying it. The protagonist tells the mysterious man they should escape, but he says they have been trapped and takes the protagonist by the wrist. The protagonist questions how the mysterious man got trapped, but he only responds he was sleeping. The protagonist learns the Luminivore Wanderers do not emit fluctuations which makes them difficult to detect, and they eat light. The mysterious man has a light Evol so it seems he was set up to be trapped. The protagonist decides to change the mysterious man from being trapped to becoming the bait to lure the Luminivores out of hiding. The mysterious man uses his light Evol to lure the Luminivores but is concerned the Luminivores will respawn with his light. The protagonist requests to use her Evol instead. The mysterious man requests forgiveness and then takes the protagonist’s hand over his chest. Swirls of light and wind wrap around the duo.

05/story Light Fades

The strength of the Evol Resonance between the mysterious man and the protagonist defeats all the Wanderers, destroys the fluctuations, and the Wanderer’s Protocores. The mysterious man introduces himself as Xavier and requests his presence to not be revealed to anyone else. Xavier promises to explain himself the next time they meet and disappears before Tara runs up to the protagonist. Tara is surprised the Wanderers have all been defeated and is happy to see the protagonist alive and well.

06/story UNICORNS

The protagonist and Tara return to Hunter’s Association. The protagonist and Tara wonder about the Metaflux data they sent to Data Analysis and are eager to hear the results. Tara explains how worried she was when she lost contact with the protagonist. Captain Jenna meets with the UNICORNS recruits with excitement and explains how performance is recorded using the Hunter’s Watch. The results will determine which sector the recruit will participate in, the assignments, and scope of work. Captain Jenna is very proud of the recruits first mission results. After Captain Jenna leaves, each individual gets a message to report to their respective sector at 8am the next day. Tara gets assigned to the squad Data Analysis with Captain Andrew. The protagonist gets assigned to the squad Alpha Team with Captain Jenna. Tara gets excited at the protagonist's assignment under Captain Jenna and requests to visit her at any time.

07/story Ripples

Tara and the Protagonist leave the Hunter’s Association and enter into the Heart Of Linkon, Azure Square. Mini drones patrol the sky to monitor Wanderer activity. Tara has great admiration for Captain Jenna due to being saved by her when she was young. Captain Jenna is Tara’s role model and she hopes to be as “badass” as her one day. Tara asks the protagonist why she wants to be a hunter and she has a flashback to when the Wanderers first invaded Linkon. As a child, she ran through the city while being chased by a monster. When the monster caught up with her, she felt a piercing pain through her heart. While hiding from the Wanderers, the protagonist has thoughts about not wanting to be the prey.

Mr Guidey, a guide drone, interrupts Tara and the protagonist's conversation by announcing how the past and future coexist in Linkon, the City of Innovation as well as the Tide Street’s marine-themed exhibition. Tara and the protagonist decide to go to their own homes and say goodbye.

The protagonist notices a kid hiding behind a bush and asks if the kid needs help. The kid overheard the protagonist is a hunter and requests her help. He offers Super Hunters AR cards with the limited edition Hunter Lux as a reward. The kid asks for help getting a little red fish and gives the protagonist a net and tank, but he gets caught by a little girl who is upset he asked for a hunter’s help for fishing. A tourist stops by and makes a comment about the red fish being only able to survive on land for a week. The tourist takes the net and with a flourish of his hands easily catches a red fish. The tourist judges the owner for using the fish for aesthetic purposes and says the red fish is a real Flammula from the Lemurian legends. The protagonist puts the fish in the portable tank and sees a brochure in his hand about Hat Island. The protagonist tells the tourist to avoid Hat Island due to reports of Wanderers invading it. The tourist thanks the protagonist and just as he’s about to leave, she presents the red Flammula in the portable tank and requests for him to take the fish since it seems like it will survive longer with him.

08/story Doctor

The protagonist receives a notification on her phone for a routine check up and grimaces. She heads to Akso Hospital to meet with Dr. Zayne. Yvonne, the nurse, checks the protagonist in and assures her Dr. Zayne is in the office. Dr. Zayne and the protagonist have known each other for years, but didn’t meet up again until half a year ago when she needed check ups for the Protocore fragments in her heart. Dr. Zayne playfully counts down the time to the protagonist’s no show time. The protagonist reprimands Dr Zayne for working too hard and talks about his secret project in the Arctic to which he responds “patients shouldn’t be too nosy.” The protagonist tells Dr. Zayne she had been pulling all-nighters for her exams which he responds with by questioning why she is going through the motions of visiting the doctor’s office. Dr. Zayne checks her heart with a stethoscope and mentions she has heart arrhythmia, premature ventricular contractions, and heart murmurs. The protagonist explains despite the risks, she wanted to be a hunter to save people, and perhaps she will save Dr. Zayne one day. Dr. Zayne tells the protagonist to be safe.

09/story Rainfall Curtain

The protagonist ends her days at home and contemplates officially being a hunter with tired excitement. She notices rain outside of her window despite rain not being in the forecast. She receives a phone call from Caleb and she explains how her day went to him. Caleb is a part of the Deepspace Aviation Administration where he was on a military flight operation in the Deepspace Tunnel where he could’ve encountered Wanderers. The protagonist was happy the mission went well so Caleb and her could visit their Grandma together, and she ends the call with Caleb. The protagonist wanders over to the window with droplets of rain peppering the glass. When she stares outside the window, she notices a giant red mechanical eye staring back at her. As fast as she saw it, the night enveloped the image and she was plunged into confusion.

Chapter 2: The First Mission

02/story Close Encounters

The protagonist accepts her first solo mission from the Client Henry. Henry has requested the aid of of the Hunter’s Association with the task of finding Mr. Raymond, a renowned collector who has been exhibiting signs of mental confusion and other abnormal behavior. On a motorcycle, the protagonist zips her way through the southeastern suburbs of Linkon City where the wealthy elite of the city live. As she approaches the western suburbs where Mr Raymond lives, she comes across a smoking car with a familiar tall figure, Zayne. Zayne comments on the protagonists working a mission after her encounter with Luminivore Wanderers two days beforehand. The protagonist comments she is only checking to see if a house has Wanderers in it. In shock, the two realize they are going to the same house in the same direction. The protagonist offers Zayne a ride on the backseat of her motorcycle after giggling at seeing the stoic doctor in an uncomfortable position on the side of the road. Zayne takes the suggestion uneasily, but once the AR Navigation system of the motorcycle says it will take 13.5 km, Zayne quickly changes his tune and hops onto the backseat with some grievance.

The duo pass through an ornate iron gate and are greeted by a desolate courtyard and large pool in front of a vast mansion with modern architectural style. The protagonist asks how Zayne knows Mr. Raymond. Zayne responds that Mr. Raymond was a former patient of his with a serious congenital heart disease. Zayne jokes with the protagonist about her nervousness with meeting Mr. Raymond.

Zayne and the protagonist enter the mansion and notice a fish tank in the center of the hall. A skeleton of a human with fish like appendages and a long swooping tale sits in the center of the large waterless tank. The light shines over the skeleton in an eerie paleness which is surrounded by a spiral staircase extending to the ceiling. The protagonist stares at the skeleton with a mixture of disgust and awe which the butler, Herman, notices and comments that she shouldn’t think too hard about the art. Zayne asks if Dr Raymond is in his collection room on the third floor. Herman the butler asks if he needs to accompany the protagonist for the Wanderer Inspection which she coldly rejects.

Chapter 3: Talented Hunter

Chapter 4: Under Twilight

Chapter 5: Eternal Aurora

Chapter 6: Endless Night

Chapter 7: Moonlight Under Sea

Chapter 8: Milky Way Sunset
